Speaking of rough weather, it's officially hurricane season. I've subscribed to the National Hurricane Center's RSS feed to get frequent updates on tropical storm activity. Updates come about 4 times daily, and you can subscribe using this URL: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gtwo.xml. There's nothing serious yet, but there's a disturbance that formed in the Lesser Antilles that is has a very slight potential of developing.

I just checked now, and a second disturbance has formed over the Northern Bahamas. It too has a very low probability of forming into a more organized and powerful storm though. It's pretty exciting to keep track of these storms. I wouldn't even mind getting a mild hurricane while we're here. I just hope we don't get anything like Hurricane Ike (a strong category 4 storm), which hit here and did a good deal of damage last season.
Because the waterfront activities were canceled we needed to entertain ourselves somehow, and we found a way that was arguably just as good as diving; we watched the new Harry Potter movie! I'm very excited they've decided to do the the final movie in two installments (even if their motivation is to wring every penny out of us fans).
By the way, it turns out that the "bird of prey" we saw the other day was an American Kestrel.
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