03 June 2009

A Significant Day

Today, Jessee and I have been together for 7 years. It's pretty hard to believe. I'm not really sure how that much time has passed. We didn't get to spend it together, of course, because she's at training for her new job. But we're planning to celebrate once I get to the island.

Brett and Jessee at Year 1 - June 2003

The training is being held in Salem, MA, where the School for Field Studies (SFS) is headquartered. Jessee's staying in Boston, though, with her sister Amanda (who is "supercool" and from whom I would no doubt hear if I didn't make mention of her). So far it sounds like the training experience has been really positive. We've had some minor headaches (mostly regarding shipment of our boxes - they're actually still here in Bellingham at the shipping store), but the people at SFS, Jessee tells me, have been really friendly and welcoming. She's met a couple of the other "SAMs" (Student Affairs Managers) from other SFS locations who were particularly helpful. I don't know much more than that, but I'm pretty sure we won't be seeing any blog posts directly from her about it for a while. She's very busy.

Brett and Jessee at Year 7 - May 2009

I'm slowly, but surely, getting things packed up and ready for the big move. I managed to sell our dining room set, which was the primary thing we wanted to get rid of, and make a chunk of cash from it too. We still have most of our other furniture, but if it doesn't sell it won't be as big of a problem because Kelly, my brother-in-law, said he'd be able to use it.

I should also mention the other reason today is a significant day: it's my mom's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!


  1. By your looks in the pictures, seven years together has been good for you. Congratulations! Marilyn

  2. thanks for mentioning me! I did get a couple of days with Jessee on her transition into TCI and SFS and out of...well everything else I guess. But more imporantly, congrats on 7 years! and I hope the next month flies by for you two so you can get there and celebrate it together. Thanks for doing this blog. I'm gonna miss you and it's good to have some kind of connection to yous while you are gone. :)
