09 January 2010

On the Road to Recovery

Well, it's now been five weeks since I cut my hand on the lid of that bleeping applesauce can. The laceration itself is healing really well, and the scar isn't anything even close to the hideous disfigurement I once feared it would be. I still don't have any sensation along one side of my pinky though, as I damaged the nerve that runs along the outer edge of the hand and out to the tip of the pinky.

From what I've read, nerves can take a long time to heal. As in, many months, or sometimes over a year. So I'm still hopeful (i.e. counting on the fact) that I'll get the feeling back, as I'm pretty attached to all of my fingers. I'm afraid I didn't appreciate that littlest one as much as I should have before, but then you never miss a good thing until it's gone. Or at least not speaking to you.

Although it's still tender, I'm able to do most everything that I need to with my pinky these days, like typing, scratching, carrying bags, shampooing, and even (gently) high-five'ing. Even so, it's odd to have a part of your body not feel like you, and not respond to your brain's signals the way it used to. Even if it's a little part. My numb finger allows objects to slip out of my hand on rare occasions, and delays my reaction time to remove the stir spoon from a hot soup pot by a split second, and (most discouraging of all) it just doesn't hit a piano key quite right.

I'm healing though, and the photos below track my progress. (We didn't actually get a photo right after the incident, as we were distracted trying to stop the bleeding and get to the clinic, etc.)

Same Day, after the first round of cleaning and bandages

3 Days Later

10 Days Later

1 Month Later


  1. Dear Jessee; my carpal tunnel doctor said it takes nine months, and it has been about 2 years, with little improvemnt. But, then, I'm not as young as you. I didn't believe the guy anyhow. You say that you are attached to all your fingers. I'm glad you feel that way. After all, your fingers are also very much attached to you. So they're glad to hear you say it. I'd call it a mutual admiration society. Dampa.

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